North Weald
North Weald Airfield is located north east of London in North Weald Bassett in Epping Forest. The airfield is an operational aerodrome and was an important station during the Battle of Britain and is the home of the North Weald Airfield Museum.
Land at North Weald Airfield is identified as a New Employment Site Allocation in the emerging Local Plan for:
- 10ha of additional business, General Industrial and Storage or Distribution floorspace
- Retention and expansion of aviation uses
- New access from Epping Road
- Phased development with planned trajectory of 5ha by 2022/23 to 2026/27 and a further 5ha by 2027/28 to 2031/32
The Strategic Masterplan Vision and Objectives are:
- Provide significant local employment and entrepreneurial opportunities
- Be ambitious and sustainable using new technology and infrastructure and make the best possible use of the local environment
- Support the continuation of and further development of the airfield, including maintaining it's runway, control tower and weather station facilities, providing hangarage and other facilities
- Bring forward heritage and museum developments that fully reflect and celebrate the local history of the airfield and its importance to the local community